Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
93 lines
* Copyright 1987, 1989 Samuel H. Smith; All rights reserved
* This is a component of the ProDoor System.
* Do not distribute modified versions without my permission.
* Do not remove or alter this notice or any other copyright notice.
* If you use this in your own program you must distribute source code.
* Do not use any of this in a commercial product.
* Top level unit for the Tool Shop Tools Library (3-1-89)
{$i prodef.inc}
unit Tools;
uses Dos, MDosIO, OpenShare;
{$I \tinc\anystring.inc} (* general string declaration *)
{$I \tinc\givetime.int} (* give up time under doubledos *)
{$I \tinc\ftoa.int} (* float to ascii conversion *)
{$I \tinc\atof.int} (* ascii to float conversion *)
{$I \tinc\atoi.int} (* ascii to integer conversion *)
{$I \tinc\itoa1.int} (* integer to ascii conversion *)
{$I \tinc\stof.int} (* basic single to floating conversion *)
{$I \tinc\stoa.int} (* single to ascii conversion *)
{$I \tinc\dtof.int} (* basic double to floating conversion *)
{$I \tinc\itoh.int} (* integer to hex conversion *)
{$I \tinc\itou.int} (* integer to unsigned-real conversion *)
{$I \tinc\ltor.int} (* long-integer to real conversion *)
{$I \tinc\rempath.int} (* remove/manipulate filename paths *)
{$I \tinc\iswild.int} (* is a filename a wildcard? *)
{$I \tinc\stoupper.int} (* map string to upper case *)
{$I \tinc\filesize.int} (* get size of a file *)
{$I \tinc\pattern.int} (* wildcard filename pattern comparison *)
{$I \tinc\sysdate2.int} (* get system time string formats, mm-dd-yy & hh:mm *)
{$I \tinc\gettime.int} (* get system time in seconds *)
{$I \tinc\delay.int} (* delay function based on give-up-time and gettime *)
{$I \tinc\delspace.int} (* delete all spaces from a string *)
{$I \tinc\replstr.int} (* perform string replacements *)
{$I \tinc\getenv.int} (* get environment variables *)
{$I \tinc\varstr.int} (* variable allocation string library *)
{$I \tinc\getfile3.int} (* expand wildcard file lists *)
{$I \tinc\ljust.int} (* left justify strings *)
{$I \tinc\bitmap.int} (* manipulate bit maps *)
{$I \tinc\flags.int} (* manipulate bit flags *)
{$I \tinc\appendc.int} (* append character to string *)
{$I \tinc\givetime.inc} (* give up time under doubledos *)
{$I \tinc\ftoa.inc} (* float to ascii conversion *)
{$I \tinc\atof.inc} (* ascii to float conversion *)
{$I \tinc\atoi.inc} (* ascii to integer conversion *)
{$I \tinc\itoa1.inc} (* integer to ascii conversion *)
{$I \tinc\stof.inc} (* basic single to floating conversion *)
{$I \tinc\stoa.inc} (* single to ascii conversion *)
{$I \tinc\dtof.inc} (* basic double to floating conversion *)
{$I \tinc\itoh.inc} (* integer to hex conversion *)
{$I \tinc\itou.inc} (* integer to unsigned-real conversion *)
{$I \tinc\ltor.inc} (* long-integer to real conversion *)
{$I \tinc\rempath.inc} (* remove/manipulate filename paths *)
{$I \tinc\iswild.inc} (* is a filename a wildcard? *)
{$I \tinc\stoupper.inc} (* map string to upper case *)
{$I \tinc\filesize.inc} (* get size of a file *)
{$I \tinc\pattern.inc} (* wildcard filename pattern comparison *)
{$I \tinc\getfile3.inc} (* expand wildcard file lists *)
{$I \tinc\sysdate2.inc} (* get system time string formats, mm-dd-yy & hh:mm *)
{$I \tinc\gettime.inc} (* get system time in seconds *)
{$I \tinc\delay.inc} (* delay function based on give-up-time and gettime *)
{$I \tinc\delspace.inc} (* delete all spaces from a string *)
{$I \tinc\replstr.inc} (* perform string replacements *)
{$I \tinc\getenv.inc} (* get environment variables *)
{$I \tinc\varstr.inc} (* variable allocation string library *)
{$I \tinc\ljust.inc} (* left justify strings *)
{$I \tinc\bitmap.inc} (* manipulate bit maps *)
{$I \tinc\flags.inc} (* manipulate bit flags *)
{$I \tinc\appendc.inc} (* append character to string *)